Understanding the Affidavit of Domicile


By NotaryLive Staff

Published on 08/26/2024


  • An affidavit of domicile establishes the deceased’s residency for legal purposes. 
  • NotaryLive offers remote online notarization, making the process efficient and secure.
  • Ensure all information is accurate and complete to avoid legal issues. 


A document that raises questions is the Affidavit of Domicile. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into what an affidavit of domicile is, it uses, and how you can streamline the notarization process using modern platforms such as NotaryLive



1. What Is The Affidavit of Domicile? 

An affidavit of domicile is a legal document used to establish the residency of a deceased individual. 


When is the affidavit of domicile required? 

This form is usually required during the probate process. 

This is to confirm the decedent’s place of residency – which determines the jurisdiction for estate tax purposes as well as other legal matters. 


Who fills out the affidavit of domicile? 

The affidavit is usually filled out by an executor or an administrator of the deceased’s estate


What information does the form require? 

The affidavit of domicile form requires detailed information about the individual who has passed. 

  • Full Name of the decedent
  • Date of Death
  • The last Known Address of the decedent


Does the affidavit of domicile need to be notarized? 

Yes, to ensure its legality, the affidavit of domicile must be signed in the presence of a notary public – the affidavit of domicile must be notarized. 



2. What is the Affidavit of Domicile Used For? 

The primary purpose of the affidavit of domicile is to validate the deceased’s legal residency. 

This affects several aspects of the estate administration

  • Probate Process
  • Tax Purposes
  • Distribution of Assets


What about stock transfers?

For stock transfers, entities like ComputerShare often require an affidavit of domicile to transfer ownership of stocks and other securities from the deceased to their heirs. 



3. How To Obtain and Fill Out an Affidavit of Domicile Form 

Here’s a step-by-step guide. 

  1. Download the Form – Local government websites or legal service providers offer downloadable forms.
  2. Fill in the Details – Provide all required information, including information about the deceased.
  3. Notarization – Sign the affidavit in the presence of a notary public. You can notarize online quickly and securely using a service like NotaryLive.


Tips to keep in mind

When filling out an affidavit of domicile, keep these in mind to avoid mistakes: 

  • Make sure all information is accurate.
  • Make sure all required signatures are present, including the notary public’s.
  • Make sure to fill out every section of the form completely to avoid rejection.



4. Get Your Document Notarized Online with NotaryLive 

When signing in person with a notary, can be time-consuming and inconvenient. 

However, platforms like NotaryLive have revolutionized this process by offering remote online notarization (RON). 

NotaryLive simplifies the process: 

NotaryLive works in 4 simple steps:

How NotaryLive Works

To get started, you can click the button below.

Notarize Your Affidavit of Domicile Now!



FAQs for Affidavit of Domicile 

  • Do I need a lawyer to fill out an affidavit of domicile? 
    • It’s not mandatory, however, consulting with a layer can help ensure that the affidavit is correctly filled out and legally sound.
  • Can an affidavit of domicile be used internationally? 
    • An affidavit of domicile is usually used within the United States. For international use, additional documentation may be required.
  • What happens if the information in the affidavit of domicile is incorrect? 
    • If incorrect information is filed, it can lead to legal complications, including dealys and potential legal disputes.





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Updated Date: 03/29/2025




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