A Guide: How To Become Online Notary in Delaware


By NotaryLive Staff

Published on 12/02/2024


  • Become a commissioned traditional notary public in Delaware first
  • Apply through the Secretary of State's office to become a Delaware online notary
  • Partner with a platform like NotaryLive to start notarizing documents online after approval


If you are a notary public in the state of Delaware, and looking to expand on your notary services, there is a great opportunity to become a Delaware online notary. 


1. Steps To Becoming An Online Notary in Delaware

The following will be a guide on how to become an online notary in Delaware. 


Complete the pre-requirements 

Before applying to become an online notary, these are the following requirements:

  1. Currently possess active traditional notary public commission in Delaware.
  2. If you do not possess an active traditional notary public commission, apply for a traditional DE Notary Public commission. 
  3. 18 years of age 
  4. Be a U.S. citizen and have legal residence in Delaware or be employed Delaware
  5. Must not have been disqualified to receive commission under 29 Del. Code 4311 
  6. Have no record of felony unless your rights have been restored. 
  7. Keep an electronic record of RON (remote online notarization) 
  8. Utilize a third party (NotaryLive) to conduct remote online notarizations that follow the specific requirements: 
    • identity proofing technology 
    • credential analysis 


Application process 

  1. If you haven't had a previous commission: 
    • Prepare a form of payment (electronic check or credit card) before you fill out the application. 
    • Register and apply online
    • Complete application
    • After form submission, pay $60 to Secretary of State 
    • Upon approval, you'll receive an email with the commission certificate and further instructions. 
    • Take the certificate, print and sign
    • Take your oath of office at a Notary Public 
    • Take a copy to the Notary Public Section of the Secretary of State's office 
    • Purchase your Notary seal and journal 
  2. If your commission is expired: 
    • Log in to your notary profile and click “Renew Commission” and review/update the information as required. You may have to submit a payment for your renewal. 
  3. If you're wanting to become a remote online notary: 
    • Once you have your traditional notary public commission, log into Department of State's website on your Notary Profile account. 
    • Display interest in remote notarization and choose a trusted technology provider with RON (remote online notarization) like NotaryLive
    • Once you choose your vendor, the state will contact the vendor. 
    • Contact vendor and setup account and payment required. 

As a traditional notary, you are confined to your general location, and there are only so many people in Delaware that need a document notarized.

Becoming an online notary in Delaware provides you the capabilities to notarize documents from all over the country, making your potential client base that much larger. 



2. Become An Online Notary With NotaryLive

Once you have been commissioned as an online notary in the state of Delaware, be sure to visit NotaryLive.com to learn more about how you can start notarizing documents online from the comfort of your home or office.

Curious how to notarize those documents online? Visit our guide.



3. How NotaryLive Works 

Using NotaryLive is as simple as 4 steps: 

How NotaryLive Works 

Click the button below to get started.

Notarize Online! 


For more benefits and features of NotaryLive . . . 

Visit our Delaware Remote Online Notary page. 



FAQ For RON Delaware

  • How much does it cost to be an online notary in Delaware?
    • It costs a $120 application fee to the Secretary of State.
  • How much can I charge as a remote online notary in Delaware?
    • Up to $25 per notarial act.



Relevant Blogs 


Updated Date: 03/28/2025




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